The logo is based on the following Scripture references quoted from the NIV translation of the Holy Bible:
1. (Psalm 62.6) He alone is my rock and salvation.
2. (I Peter 1:7) . . . that your faith . . . may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory honour.
3. (John 7:38) Whoever believes in me . . . streams of living water will flow from within him.
4. (Revelations 2:7) To him who overcomes I will give the right to eat from the tree of life.
Psalm 62:6 admonishes us to trust in God.
I Peter 1:7 reminds us that not only is faith precious, but so is the journey we undertake to find Faith.
John 7:38 promises us that the Holy Spirit will flow forth from those who believe in and follow Jesus.
Revelation 2:7 reminds us that believers will be welcomed into heaven for all eternity.
The logo, designed as a mnemonic device, serves as an aid to help us remember these four Scripture passages and their significance. The passages are represented in order by: mountains (solid & strong), sun (watching over all from afar), lake (teeming with life) and trees (an endless supply representing many, many believers)
Tied all together these four elements from nature easily characterize the beautiful space that we call Rock Lake Camp.